This peach and cherry crumble is deliciously sweet and completely healthy with quinoa and almond flour as the topping! Eat up!
The other day I woke up with a tiny crack in the corner of my mouth where your upper and bottom lips meet. I have no idea what caused it and unlike my husband and every other family member, I don’t get herpes cold sores on my mouth, so it’s not that. It’s just a crack. And it’s making my life miserable.
Let’s discuss all the things in which you need to open your mouth wider than 1/2 an inch, shall we?
1. Yawning. Sleep is my favorite part of every day so I do this a lot.
2. Brushing your teeth. Let’s just say, a lot of mouth wash has been used since the actual brushing thing is kind of hard.
3. Screaming at your dog when she’s freaked out the neighbor child so badly that he’s climbed on top of the garbage can he was dragging up his driveway and now paralyzed in fear as she barks ferociously at him. (she dislikes children and dislikes garbage cans even more. He really screwed himself with that combo.)
4. Eating.
Particularly sweet, delicious, summer fruit that I can’t get enough of right now and refuse to let this little mouth crack ailment stop that in any way.

So instead of opening wide around these perfect farm stand peaches we grabbed last weekend while we were upstate, I modified with some chopping action.
And if you’re going to chop, you might as well crumble too,right? Duh. In a healthy way of course.
With quinoa and almond flour as your topping and just a touch of honey mixed with the fruit, you could eat the whole dish without a second thought.

This peach & cherry crumble is deliciously sweet and completely healthy with quinoa and almond flour as the topping! Eat up!
Recipe type: Dessert
Serves: 6-8
  • 4 peaches, chopped
  • 1¾ cup cherries, halved & pitted
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ½ teaspoon almond extract
  • ½ cup red quinoa, rinsed
  • ½ cup almond flour
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Combine peaches and cherries in a large bowl.
  3. Whisk together honey, 1 tablespoon of the coconut oil (melt the coconut oil if it’s not already liquid), and the extracts in a small bowl and pour over the fruit mixture, tossing to coat it thoroughly.
  4. Pour the fruit into a baking dish.
  5. In another small bowl combine the quinoa, almond flour, cinnamon and the remaining teaspoon of coconut oil. With your fingerstips, combine the mixture so that it loosely forms crumbs (the coconut oil will help it do this).
  6. Sprinkle the mixture over the top of the fruit in the baking dish and bake for about 30 minutes until the top is slightly browning/crisping and the fruit is bubbly.
  7. Remove from oven, let cool for 15-20 minutes before serving.
  8. Serve warm. Ice cream on top is a great idea too!